Hello, I’m Daniil.
Currently, I’m in the second year at Chemical Engineering and I’m participating in the Hoogheemraadschap van Rijnland challenge of the Innovation Challenges of Technolab. This project involves the raising of awareness of drug residues in wastewater among inhabitants of Leiden Noord, which is a close topic to my studies. This challenge takes 10 weeks and in the first part, we worked with a great team at Technolab. However, due to the new COVID regulations, the work continued in the online space, which was greatly managed by the Technolab mentors.
During this challenge, I’ve learned how to better communicate with people from different backgrounds. Moreover, I analyzed and studied how to create a detailed plan for the Communication team and how to participate in and use SCRUM meetings. I expanded my multilateral knowledge by working with experts from the Hoogheemraadscap van Rijnland.
In addition, during the challenge, we dedicated a lot of time to brainstorming and product development. This was a pretty new experience and it helped me a lot with my school projects. While participating in this project, I got in touch with real challenges from the corporate world. I’m thankful to Technolab that we can continue the internship in these difficult times.
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